ASK | Available Seat Kilometres | Total number of seats available multiplied by the distance traveled measured in miles or kilometers (in millions). Available seat miles/available seat kilometers (ASM/ASK) measures the airline flight's passenger carrying capacity. | Seat Configuration x Kilometres flown |
RPK | Revenue Pax Kilometres | Total number of revenue-paying passengers multiplied by the distance traveled measured in miles or kilometers (in millions). A revenue passenger-miles/revenue passenger-kilometers (RPM/RPK) is equal to one paying passenger carried one mile/kilometer. | Number of Rev Pax on each sector X Sector Length |
SLF | Seat Load Factor | Revenue passenger miles divided by available seat miles (expressed as a percentage). | Revenue Pax Kilometres x 100%/ ASK |
ATK Cargo | Available Cargo Tonne Kilometres | Used cargo space multiplied by the total mileage flown in the fiscal period (in millions). | Payload x Kilometres flown |
RTK Cargo | Revenue Cargo Tonne Kilometres | Percent of airline cargo space used by paid cargo. Calculated as: Cargo Ton Miles / Available Ton Miles |
Total tonnes of Rev Flight on each sector x Sector Length |
CLF | Cargo Load Factor | Percent of airline cargo space used by paid cargo. Calculated as: Cargo Ton Miles / Available Ton Miles |
Revenue Cargo Tonnes Kilometres x 100% / Available Cargo Tonnes Kilometres |
Flight Kilometres | Total length of all flights during the fiscal period (in miles or kilometers) | ||
BH | BlockHours | Total Hours from the Moment the Aircraft is pushed Back from the Gate or Starts Taxiing from its Parking Stand for take-off to the Moment it comes to a Final Stop at a Gate or Parking Stand after Landing | |
OTP | On Time Performance | Level of success of the service on the published schedule | |
Aircraft Utilization | Aircraft Hours | Average hours per day each aircraft is actively used during the fiscal period | |
Yield | Passenger Yield | Passenger revenue per revenue passenger mile/km (in U.S. cents or local currency | Net Revenues from Passengers/RPK |
Cargo Yield | Cargo revenue per cargo ton kilometer carried during the period | Net Revenues from Cargo/RTK | |
CASK | Cost of Available Seat-Kilometre | Operating expense per available seat miles (in U.S. cents or local currency) | Operating Costs/ASK |
CASK excl. Fuel | Cost (excl. Fuel) of Available Seat-Kilometre | Operating expense –excluding fuel per available seat miles (in U.S. cents or local currency) | Operating Costs (excl Fuel)/ASK |
Source Description: Bloomberg