ASK Available Seat Kilometres Total number of seats available multiplied by the distance traveled measured in miles or kilometers (in millions). Available seat miles/available seat kilometers (ASM/ASK) measures the airline flight's passenger carrying capacity. Seat Configuration x Kilometres flown
RPK Revenue Pax Kilometres Total number of revenue-paying passengers multiplied by the distance traveled measured in miles or kilometers (in millions). A revenue passenger-miles/revenue passenger-kilometers (RPM/RPK) is equal to one paying passenger carried one mile/kilometer. Number of Rev Pax on each sector X Sector Length
SLF Seat Load Factor Revenue passenger miles divided by available seat miles (expressed as a percentage). Revenue Pax Kilometres x 100%/ ASK
ATK Cargo Available Cargo Tonne Kilometres Used cargo space multiplied by the total mileage flown in the fiscal period (in millions). Payload x Kilometres flown
RTK Cargo Revenue Cargo Tonne Kilometres Percent of airline cargo space used by paid cargo. 
Calculated as: Cargo Ton Miles / Available Ton Miles
Total tonnes of Rev Flight on each sector x Sector Length
CLF Cargo Load Factor Percent of airline cargo space used by paid cargo. 
Calculated as: Cargo Ton Miles / Available Ton Miles
Revenue Cargo Tonnes Kilometres   x 100% / Available Cargo Tonnes Kilometres
Flight Kilometres   Total length of all flights during the fiscal period (in miles or kilometers)  
BH BlockHours Total Hours from the Moment the Aircraft is pushed Back from the Gate or Starts Taxiing from its Parking Stand for take-off to the Moment it comes to a Final Stop at a Gate or Parking Stand after Landing  
OTP On Time Performance Level of success of the service on the published schedule  
Aircraft Utilization Aircraft Hours Average hours per day each aircraft is actively used during the fiscal period  
Yield Passenger Yield Passenger revenue per revenue passenger mile/km (in U.S. cents or local currency Net Revenues from Passengers/RPK
Cargo Yield   Cargo revenue per cargo ton kilometer carried during the period Net Revenues from Cargo/RTK
CASK Cost of Available Seat-Kilometre Operating expense per available seat miles (in U.S. cents or local currency) Operating Costs/ASK
CASK excl. Fuel Cost (excl. Fuel) of Available Seat-Kilometre Operating expense –excluding fuel per available seat miles (in U.S. cents or local currency) Operating Costs (excl Fuel)/ASK

Source Description: Bloomberg