Now you can transfer miles to other GarudaMiles members by using the Transfer Miles feature.
Transfer Miles is a new feature that can be used by GarudaMiles members to transfer miles to other GarudaMiles members, effective per June 13, 2022, starting from 500 miles to a maximum of 200,000 miles per calendar year with a certain transfer fee. The transaction can be executed by request via email or Whatsapp GarudaMiles Customer Service (CS).
Term & Condition:
- Scheme :
Transferred Miles Transfer Fee (IDR) VAT 11% (IDR) Total (IDR) 500 75,000 8,250 83,250 1,000 150,000 16,500 166,500 2,000 300,000 33,000 333,000 5,000 750,000 82,500 832,500 10,000 1,500,000 165,000 1,665,000 20,000 3,000,000 330,000 3,330,000 - Valid for all GarudaMiles members.
- GarudaMiles members can transfer Miles to other member as they wish. Eligible from/to member with minimum 1x flight with GA.
- Minimum Transfer 500 miles and maximum Transfer 200.000 miles per calendar year.
- In Mile transfer, IDR 150 will be charged per mile (excluding VAT 11%).
- The transaction can be executed by request via email or Whatsapp GarudaMiles Customer Service (CS).
- Transferred Miles will be valid for three calendar years after the date of transfer.
- Miles and fees charged for transferring Miles cannot be refunded.
- Transferred Miles is valid for Award Miles and cannot be used as base to determine qualification GarudaMiles membership tier.
- Other term and condition of transferred miles from Transfer Miles Features will refer to GarudaMiles policy.
To enjoy this facility, you can send an email request with subject “Transfer Miles” to or via Whatsapp Garuda Indonesia : 0811 2807 807 (text only) by providing informations below:
- Name
- GarudaMiles number (sender)
- Date of Birth
- Phone Number (Handphone)
- Mileage amount want to be transferred
- GarudaMiles number (recipient)
Wishing you a more memorable experience with Garuda Indonesia.